Late 2010s - 2020s

Tarkett introduces "Celestial" carpet by Jhane Barnes; another versatile product for soft surface applications. Like many of Jhanes flooring styles, Celestial is avail in more colors.

Tarkett introduces "Celtic Knots" carpet by Jhane Barnes; another versatile product for soft surface applications. Like many of Jhanes flooring styles, Celtic Knots is avail in varied colors from neutrals to vivid, in a subtle contrasting pattern.
A brand-new sock collection has finally landed, and believed to be the best yet.
When Jhane bid farewell to our fashion venture, she made sure no resource went unused. Jhane gathered the exquisite surplus yarns from our global factories and sent them to our trusted hosiery partner in Nara, Japan...
"Socks are my passion and my pride. My partnership with the factory in Nara spans over three decades. They recently sent a heartfelt message expressing their joy in collaborating with me, a testament to our mutual respect and dedication. Their words hold immense value for me." - Jhane
Tarkett North America announces the introduction of two soft-surface patterns and a digitally printed luxury vinyl tile, created in collaboration with designer Jhane Barnes.
New eyewear introductions Fall 2021, Transpose, Nonzero, Precision, Symmetric, Adjugate...
2020 Introduction of Blockade + Soundblock carpet

"Jhane Barnes Weaves Together A Successful Career" is the cover story in the September issue ofinterors+sources,a leading trade magazine focusing on significant topics and industry issues of interest to commercial interior designers. Read the full article.
Above: "MINDSET" Luxury vinyl tile 2nd (LVT) intro from Jhane for Tarkett as seen at NeoCon2019; this style was designed as coordintate to new carpet introduction "Interleave"
La Guardia LGA airpoirt installation; inspired by NYC, its parks and elements, Jhane custom designed 6 patterns for the different areas in Concourse B

"ILLUSION" Jhane introduces her first LVT for Tarkett (commercial flooring) View it in the gallery
Made from a nylon sheet normally used for sun lenses and shields. In the past we did a metal frame inside a plastic frame, and this was the next take on that unexpected concept. Instead of using normal acetate for a plastic frame, decided to make a frame out of Nylon lens material to be a "lens inside a lens". Doing so allows a wide variety of color options and all types of coatings you can put on sun lenses.
In "Notation" & "Approximate" we used translucent gradient lens colorations and added just a flash mirror coating on the top half of the gradient, giving it a reflective quality when light hits it at a certain angle.
The temples are stamped with a linear pattern out of stainless steel making the frame extremely lightweight.

After a hiatus of a few years, Jhane once again begins producing socks. One of the factories in Japan revives one of the knitting machines that had been retired, just for Jhane! She is using high quality yarn left over from her many years of designing woven shirts to create socks more beautiful than ever.
Jhane at the 2015 NYC Eyewear Expo with Kenmark Eyewear; ready to meet some of the clients interested in the new styles introduced.
New eyewear intro; here at the NYC expo discussing new details added to the collection with our merchandiser.
Shop styles avail -
New eyewear intro "ALTERNATE" combining carbon fiber, metal and rubber while made with australian recessed hinge system.
2015 NYC Eyewear Expo with Kenmark Eyewear
Here the Australian hinge system is presented on style "Ypsilon". This feature adds comfort as well as longevity to the frames.
Style "SET"
Eyewear GalleryNew eyewear intro "SET" combines thin metal and acrylic; Set is the predecessor to our style "Converge"

Jhane wins Interior Design Magazine's HiP Flooring Product Designer Award at NeoCon. The annual HiP award recognizes and honors people and products in the Interiors Industry.